Corrosion FAQ

The module does not drain your vehicle battery. It only draws 1/3 of 1 milliamp to power the technology which is 40 times less power than any other module on the market.

That depends on your contract. If your warranty contract has a Transfer Section then it is at the written discretion of the Warranty Centre. Please contact our warranty administrator at 1-800-952-9058 or email them at [email protected].

YES, the Tricare electronic corrosion protection module underwent extensive additional testing between 2002 and 2004 at the government's request. It is proven that it does indeed help to inhibit corrosion. Tests show a 98% to 99.7% reduction in corrosion on automotive sheet metal panels.

For a complete list of testing organizations, see our Lab Tested page.

Check the connections in your vehicle then the module inline fuse, if light still does not come on bring your vehicle back to your selling dealer.

Yes, the module will slow down the process of rust even if there is rust present before installation.

No, the module delivers a totally safe (RF) radio frequency no different than your car's radio.  It will not affect a pacemaker.